Football Queensland has directed that all registrations must be taken through Squadi this year. This is an app that you can download.
Once you have downloaded the app follow these instructions to register:
- click on the three dots at the bottom right of the screen
- click register profile
- click new participant registration and scroll down to register a family member (for new registrations, for existing accounts click on the relevant participant)
- complete the players details and click next
- in the find a competition box choose Annerley FC (in the organisation name)
- scroll down till you reach the competition required (eg u6 and u7 are in house MiniRoos, u8 to u12 are under Metro MiniRoos and U12 and U13 to U18 are under Metro Community Juniors)
- Click MiniRoos player (for u8 to u12) and Outdoor player - junior - player (for u13 to U18)
- Then choose the age group (eg U8, U11 wallaby, U13 divisional etc) Please note Kangaroo players have been selected via a trial system late last year so if your child didn't trial or didn't receive an acceptance email you need to select Wallaby
- click add competition and membership
- complete personal information (ignore FA ID if not known)
- complete payment details
- click submit to complete the registration process
- repeat the above process for more registrations
PLEASE NOTE you are required to add a photo of the player this is used for verification purposes only by officials in the case of dispute of a player so please ensure the photo is a passport style photo of the player registered.